Make a Good Impression: 4 Tips for Selling Your Home in the Winter in Detroit

Are you selling a house? If you’re selling in the winter, you’ll want to read this post right away to learn how to make a good impression: 4 tips for selling your home in the winter in Detroit  to help you increase the likelihood that you’ll sell. Selling can be a lot of work even at the best of times. There’s the hassle and the headache and the effort. But when it comes to the seasons, selling in the winter just adds additional work (especially in Metro Detroit). Fortunately, because it’s wintry outside doesn’t mean you can’t make a good impression! 4 tips for selling your home in the winter in Michigan are exactly what you need.

Make A Good Impression: 4 Tips For Selling Your House During The Winter In Detroit 

#1. Stay on top of the shoveling

Snow and ice can build up. If you get a showing, you’d rather just grab your wallet and keys and leave the house instead of having to dig a path to the front door for the potential buyers. So stay on top of the shovelling and chip the ice and snow away from the door so your potential buyers can safely get in your house.

#2. Keep a mat by the front door

In the summer you may not care if potential buyers walk through your home with their shoes on. But if you get snow in your area then you may not want them doing that. So keep a mat by the front door so your potential buyers have a place to put their books.

#3. Decorate for a friendly holiday

During the winter season, different cultures have different celebrations. Avoid appealing to one holiday tradition while alienating another. Instead, decorate for winter with wreaths, snowmen, and other neutral, family-friendly decorations to make your house feel festive and welcoming to all.

#4. Clear off your best outdoor features

If you get snow, it can cover up some of the highlights in your yard that could be attractive to buyers. A heavy snowfall, for example, could cover a deck, patio, or pond. Take the time to keep your best lawn features cleared of snow to highlight these selling points.

But did you know there’s another way that takes WAY less work, time, and mess? That’s right! You can sell your house directly to us here at Detroit Fair Offer. Click here now and fill out the form or call us at (313)647-8806 to let us know about your property to sell.

We Buy Houses Detroit | 313-647-8806

If you are selling your home in the winter in Detroit please contact us now. 313-647-8806

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