I Have A Deadline To Sell My House. Can I Still Get Top Dollar?

I’m Under A Deadline To Sell My House!

Let’s begin this article by first addressing the situation. This is a very common topic of discussion and concern for property owners looking to sell their house in Detroit and surrounding areas. So let’s say that you own a home that is actually in fairly good condition and maybe it could only use a few minor updates but nothing more. Now let’s add one more variable to the mix. “I have a deadline to sell my house”! That short statement changes things a quite a bit and you might need to adjust your expectations a little. Quite often a seller will enter into a listing agreement with a real estate agent but the expected results don’t happen and it’s frustrating. It’s unfortunate but a lot of agents will make false promises and say anything to get a seller to sign a listing agreement. That particular practice is unethical and it happens a lot. The main cause of a house in good condition not selling is the price being way too high in comparison to the competition in the neighborhood.

How To Handle The Situation Under The Circumstances.

If you are still under an active listing agreement with an agent then you cannot go behind their back and sell on your own unless that agreement stipulates otherwise. If you do breach the listing agreement you may still be obligated to pay the agent a commission. However if you are not locked into a contract you can sell your house immediately by contacting a Detroit cash for houses company. There are a few important things you must consider before doing this. First of all, you must be willing to give in order to receive. If you want to sell your home fast you have to be willing to trade out some equity for ease of transaction. A fast and hassle free transaction requires dealing with professionals who know how to get the job done. Even though the house might be in good condition, a professional homebuyer is not going to pay retail for your property. That is totally unrealistic and simply will not happen. In other words if you want to be done with the situation and cash out, be prepared to sell at a discount. You will feel relieved when the sale is completed and can move on with your life without stressing over this situation ever again.

We Buy Houses Cash Detroit | 313-647-8806

“I have a tight deadline to sell my house!” If you’re frustrated and ready to be done with it go here! 313-647-8806

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