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The Reality About Selling A House With Electrical Issues In Detroit


When you are ready to sell your house or rental property, so many different variables can come into play. One topic that we receive a lot of questions about is the difficulty of selling a house with electrical issues in Detroit. There are a wide variety of potential electrical problems that can be addressed but in this article we will cover the general topic of discussion as simple as possible. If you are seeking specific diagnostic information we advise you to consult with a professional, licensed electrician. So, let’s discuss selling a house with electrical issues.

Common Problems

Outdated Electrical: One thing to keep in mind is that many neighborhoods in Detroit are very old. Some houses were built over a hundred years ago while other neighborhoods were developed shortly after World War II. This means that many properties potentially have very outdated electrical. For safety and code reasons, it’s highly recommended to update or upgrade the electrical service and breaker box if needed. Unfortunately, that can be an expensive fix and not every property owner can afford it. We know, because we come across this every single day when we look at properties.

Sloppy Or Faulty Wiring: Some property owners in Detroit will go to great lengths to try saving money on home improvement. One of those ways is by attempting to wire the house themselves or by hiring someone who isn’t technically qualified to perform electrical work. The result of this can lead to some really bad problems. For example an electrical fire could potentially happen! There are building code ordinances in Detroit that must be followed otherwise the city could eventually issue a fine. Some jobs should always be handled by licensed professionals! Electrical work is definitely one of them! In a case where the electrical isn’t up to code, the house may need to be rewired.

No Electrical: Due to the fact that many houses in Detroit may have been vacant for so long, some properties were completely stripped of all of the electrical by scrappers and thieves. It’s unfortunate but it’s also very much a reality all over the city. This is also something we see everyday while looking at properties. The cost of wiring a house from scratch can be a very expensive task.

Solutions For A Seller

Have The Problems Fixed: As explained in the paragraphs above, this will cost you. How expensive it will be depends on how bad the issues are and who you hire to do the job. When it comes to a hiring a skilled tradesman, you get what you pay for. Whether or not you feel it’s worth fixing is totally up to you.

Sell Your Property As-is:  Many times, selling the house without doing any repairs is the best option. If you decide to go this route you won’t need to spend any money upfront because you’ll be selling in as-is condition. In most situations like this, it tends to be an investor who buys the house and they will take over the task of dealing with the electrical issues.

We Buy Houses Detroit | 313-647-8806

If you’d like more information about selling a house with electrical issues in Detroit, reach out to us! 313-647-8806

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