There can be a lot of details involved when getting prepared to put your house up for sale. Before selling your home there are a few key questions you should be asking yourself. For example, how urgent is your situation and do you need to sell quickly? If you do need to sell fast, updating your house may not be worth your time or money! As of the writing of this post, we are still in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Detroit real estate market can be tricky for a seller at the moment. If you were thinking about doing a bunch of repairs or updates you may want to reconsider before opening up your wallet. In this article we will explain why updating your house in Detroit is a complete waste of money and time, especially if you would like to sell your house fast.
The Cost
Just because you spend money on doing some updates, does not necessarily mean you will be guaranteed a return on your investment. Most updates and home upgrades can cost a ton of money! If you’re looking at updating any of the mechanical systems such as heating, plumbing or electrical, this can drain your bank account rather quickly. Updating your kitchen and bathrooms can also cost tens of thousands of dollars as well. A new roof or windows will also easily run into the thousands. The overall point here is that updating your house isn’t cheap!
The Time
They say “time is money” and in this case it is, especially if you’re looking to sell your home fast. Successfully completing updates to your house doesn’t just happen in a day or two. It takes up time regardless of who does the work! If you hire a contractor you’ll be on their time and if you choose to do the work yourself then it’s your personal time and energy. If you do these expensive updates and you don’t get the return you were hoping for, then it’s a waste! Another thing to consider is that sometimes things don’t turn out right the first time. Let’s say you have something new installed but it doesn’t function properly. This means even more time is wasted waiting around for the issue to be fixed. Is it really worth it?
The Solution
The logical solution in this case is to simply sell your house “as-is” and keep it moving. If you choose this route, you will eliminate a lot of hassle and wasted money. Whether you decide to hire a Realtor or sell to a local home buying company doesn’t really matter. Either way it’s usually much easier to avoid doing any unneeded updates when selling a house in today’s market.
If you would like to speak with a local real estate professional and avoid updating your house in Detroit, contact us here. You can sell your house to Detroit Fair Offer and avoid spending any money! Or call us now at 313-647-8806